Come 20th March; the vernal equinox of this year the sun can be seen rising through the “V” form of the menhirs of the megalithic complex of Punkree Burwadih in Eastern India, the only megaliths in India where such a primitive tradition has been revived.
People interested in witnessing the primitive wisdom of the ancients should visit this site of the Punkree Burwadih particularly on the Equinox mornings.
In India megaliths have been solely viewed as burials or memorials of the dead built during the iron ages. Time has arrived to amend our mind sets upon these primitive temples of our ancestors. No doubts of the fact that megaliths are structures associated with the dead but it would be a prejudiced view to solely correlate megaliths with the deceased. This is a notion developed from the numerous burials revealed from their excavations and their present day usage among the tribals. If only the positioning of the menhirs were studied then there would been a change in the concept of megalithism in India.
Megaliths like Punkree Burwadih in Hazaribag , Burjhaom in Kashmir , Asota in Pakistan and Hanamsagar in Karnataka may have burials within them but are also observatories of the sun’s transits. Quite rightly Asota as studies have revealed was known as “a sun temple” which confirms that this megalithic temple was erected by the primitive tribals to observe the movements of the sun.
Punkree Burwadih is barely a 22 kms SW of Hazaribag town. Hazaribag is a town in north Jharkhand in the East of India. Hazaribag has no railway but has a railway connection through Koderma station where most of the major trains plying between Howrah and Delhi stop. Hazaribag is well connected with Koderma by road with numerous public transports.
Hazaribag has a fair range of hotels offering moderately priced rooms and good food. Punkree Burwadih can be approached by hiring private vehicles.
If informed earlier I may be able to escort you to the megaliths.
Visit the megaliths of Punkree Burwadih particularly on the equinox mornings and see the sun rise through the due east through the menhirs of the megalithic complex. This is not only a grand spectacle but also a stunning illustration of how such accuracy was achieved by the non technological ancients without the aid of any scientific apparatuses.
See for yourself how each and every stone here is positioned with meticulous accuracy aligned with major features of the encompassing hills and with near perfect mathematical preciseness.
There is a small meridian stone marked as ‘A’, positioned at near north south orientation. A few meters to its front stand three menhirs named M1, M2 and M3 facing 120 degrees ; the bearing of the Winter Solstice sunrise. The positioning of the menhirs marked as M1 and M2 are such that a “V” form is emerged.
A few meters towards the right of the stone ‘A’ is a fallen menhir named as ‘S SL’which points towards the ‘V’. This stone is a marker intended for summer solstice sunrise viewing. If a rope is laid from the right edge of ‘A’ towards ‘S SL’ one can view the changing sunrises every morning from behind the curvilinear hills through the ‘V’ sliding on the opposite track of the sunrises everyday on the rope.
Numerous scholars and tourists both from the country and abroad have been visiting the site and only you seem to have been left out.
Come 20th March; the vernal equinox of this year the sun can be seen rising through the “V” form of the menhirs of the megalithic complex of Punkree Burwadih in Eastern India, the only megaliths in India where such a primitive tradition has been revived.
People interested in witnessing the primitive wisdom of the ancients should visit this site of the Punkree Burwadih particularly on the Equinox mornings.
In India megaliths have been solely viewed as burials or memorials of the dead built during the iron ages. Time has arrived to amend our mind sets upon these primitive temples of our ancestors. No doubts of the fact that megaliths are structures associated with the dead but it would be a prejudiced view to solely correlate megaliths with the deceased. This is a notion developed from the numerous burials revealed from their excavations and their present day usage among the tribals. If only the positioning of the menhirs were studied then there would been a change in the concept of megalithism in India.
Megaliths like Punkree Burwadih in Hazaribag , Burjhaom in Kashmir , Asota in Pakistan and Hanamsagar in Karnataka may have burials within them but are also observatories of the sun’s transits. Quite rightly Asota as studies have revealed was known as “a sun temple” which confirms that this megalithic temple was erected by the primitive tribals to observe the movements of the sun.
Punkree Burwadih is barely a 22 kms SW of Hazaribag town. Hazaribag is a town in north Jharkhand in the East of India. Hazaribag has no railway but has a railway connection through Koderma station where most of the major trains plying between Howrah and Delhi stop. Hazaribag is well connected with Koderma by road with numerous public transports.
Hazaribag has a fair range of hotels offering moderately priced rooms and good food. Punkree Burwadih can be approached by hiring private vehicles.
If informed earlier I may be able to escort you to the megaliths.
Visit the megaliths of Punkree Burwadih particularly on the equinox mornings and see the sun rise through the due east through the menhirs of the megalithic complex. This is not only a grand spectacle but also a stunning illustration of how such accuracy was achieved by the non technological ancients without the aid of any scientific apparatuses.
See for yourself how each and every stone here is positioned with meticulous accuracy aligned with major features of the encompassing hills and with near perfect mathematical preciseness.
There is a small meridian stone marked as ‘A’, positioned at near north south orientation. A few meters to its front stand three menhirs named M1, M2 and M3 facing 120 degrees ; the bearing of the Winter Solstice sunrise. The positioning of the menhirs marked as M1 and M2 are such that a “V” form is emerged.
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THE MERDIAN STONE 'A'. Note how this stone is aligned to the bulge of the hill in the landscape which is the North. |
A few meters towards the right of the stone ‘A’ is a fallen menhir named as ‘S SL’which points towards the ‘V’. This stone is a marker intended for summer solstice sunrise viewing. If a rope is laid from the right edge of ‘A’ towards ‘S SL’ one can view the changing sunrises every morning from behind the curvilinear hills through the ‘V’ sliding on the opposite track of the sunrises everyday on the rope.
Numerous scholars and tourists both from the country and abroad have been visiting the site and only you seem to have been left out.