It is a sheer impossibility to document all the megaliths of India. But below is featured only a handful of the diverse and interesting megalithic architectures of the nation. The album is updated very often.

Menhir in Dhanaura. Chattisgarh

Anthropomorphic structures. Telegana

Menhirs in Erode. Credit : Sasi Dharan

Ziro. Arunachal Pradesh . NE India. Menhir stands 25' tall.  The menhir has two more megaliths beside it. Hindus worship this as Shiva linga.Photo Credit: Sudip Acharjee

Stone Circle in Erode. Tamil Nadu. Credit: Sasi Dharan

Inside a burial chamber with port-hole. Credit: Sasi Dharan.

The cupmarks of  Daraki Chattan, M.P.; the  largest Cupule ever discovered in India

Ruined dolmen of  Krishnagiri hills Tamil Nadu

Veejak ki Pahari, Rajasthan. Pic courtesy:

Katia Murbey

Cairn in Noongaon

Nilaskal. Karnataka (Photo courtesy: Srikumar Menon)

Dolmen of Sindh, Pakistan (Photo: Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro)

The remnants of the ruined Stone Circle of Asota, Pakistan. Courtesy:Mr.Nawaz Ud-Din. Peshawar Museum, Pakistan

I stand behind a large flat table-top capstoned dolmen in Chokahatu


Megaliths of Hirebenekal. Photo courtesy

Monolith of Shillong. Photo courtesy.

Dolmens in Nartiang, Shillong.Photo courtesy:

Burjahom megaliths, Kashmir (India). Photo courtesy:


The menhirs in Banadag


A tall menhir in Chaibasa

The Birbir megalithic complex comprises of an inclined obelisk (at whose front I stand), one triangle facing the due east,a human shaped burial cover with a North South orientation and a Recumbent Mother Goddess Form of the Zulzul Hill at the background. Note how the tip of the menhir in aligned to the "V" notch of the hill in the landscape.

The beautiful head of a lizard of a tortoise/lizard hybrid dolmen. The head faces the due east.

This menhir is in Gurua aligned to the Mother Goddess in the landscape. The site; a burial site of the erstwhile Munda tribals is relatively new.


This complex is in Napo. The menhir having small mica specks engrained in it , sparkles under the moon. One political party has shamefully used the menhir as it publicity board (sic).

A Double cap-stone dolmen in Jagannath pahari

Stone Circle of Thiruporur near Chennai. Source.

Self portrait in Singhani


          Uttam stands near menhirs of Baiatu in Jharkhand

Dolmen in Kesura

 Dolmen in Jagannath pahari

Prantik near an ancient Dolemn, now Hinduised with a  Hanuman ji placed inside it , in the process, saving the primitive monument from obliteration.

I stand in the Rola megalithic complex

Megaliths of Napo

An old picture of the stone alignments of the megaliths of Vivhuthihalli. Source : N.K.Rao

The fascinating megalithic complex of Punkree Burwadih

The stone circle in Banadag

The megalithic complex of  Jabra Road. Villagers worship this primitive shrine as the Pacahi Baba

This small menhir worshipped as the 'Ghoda baba has quite a large circular henge around it

Sujit next to a large menhir in a village in Bariath

A Topikallu megalith of Kerela. Photo courtesy:

Stone alignments of Vibhuthihalli, Karnataka.  Photo credit: N.Kameshara Rao and Priya Thakur

A very primitive megalithic burial of the Oraon tribe in Banjha. These dolmens are also known as 'Kursi' by the locals due to their close resemblance with chairs

Dolmen of Marayoor, kerela . 


This stunning stone structure is in Godda in the Santal Parganas of Jharkhand state.We have no idea whether this is man made or not but the architecture resembles the tale of a submerging whale. Note in the foreground there is another structure which does resemble a whale.

Ruined megalith but the megalithic complex has a peculiar lay out of menhirs.

This is a Stone Circle on which there is an indifferent layout of the two menhirs. The two stones actually frame the rising sun on Summer Solstice mornings.

This menhir is about 3.017 mtrs tall and has an East-West orientation

Note how these two menhirs in the foreground and the two stones in the background are positioned parallel to each other...sheer beauty!


Anonymous said…
just what i wanted, it would have been better, if author would have pin pointed the addresses of these megaliths in India.
But accept my accolades for such splendid posts precisely on megaliths.
Anonymous said…
Glad to read about your activity and blog of Megalithic, I wish keep it on and share with us too. Sharing informations make the rich source of the information.
We also has Vast library regarding the subjects. Most Of Megalithics has similarity as human shaped in JANGANIA or The human shaped stone is actualy the burial cover of the megaliths of Birbir But some has stones carved as shape and some with multiple stones. JAGADIA has Human shapes and Also one with Animal shape.

DNA testing will be master source to confirm all these facts including dating and identifications of specimens of the megalithic findings.

Doubt may rise from many part of it as are any of those, but all the BLACK and White can be cleared with GENETICS SCIENCE study of those tribes and those of Anthropological specimens of the Civilisations and Megalithic culture of that civilisation and period there after.
Haplogroup M (mtDNA)

In human genetics, Haplogroup M is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.(ONLY DERIVED FROM MATERNAL GENES maternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup)
Genetic evidence Haplogroup H (Y-DNA) In human genetics, Haplogroup H (M69) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.

about 10000 years ago English channel was frozen to ice so gypsis (original Indian origin as they believe themselves of INDIAN origin - SEE GENETIC DNA reports) crossed to British land, worshiped at STONEHENGE, worshiping SUN (suryavanshi), to cross an ATLANTIC ocean they go further north to SCANDINAVIA (so finis - Scandinavian has similar GENETIC DNA similarity with Indian origin and differs from rest of Scandinavian tribes and rest of Europeans too) to cross to CANADIAN part and then south to MEXICO and to PERU and ANDES regions.
Anonymous said…

Dear Sir,

This is Ranjita Bilung. I am an archaeologist also hail from Jharkhand though never had much of a chance to explore my own cultural traits. I have had a chance to read your blogs and your love towards out national heritage is incredible. I hold avid interest in knowing about megaliths. So far I have only studied them in books, and I salute your endeavor to bring them closer to us. I would be obliged if I can share even a bit of your knowledge. I would like to hear from you soon.


Anonymous said…

Dear Sir,

This is Ranjita Bilung. I am an archaeologist also hail from Jharkhand though never had much of a chance to explore my own cultural traits. I have had a chance to read your blogs and your love towards out national heritage is incredible. I hold avid interest in knowing about megaliths. So far I have only studied them in books, and I salute your endeavor to bring them closer to us. I would be obliged if I can share even a bit of your knowledge. I would like to hear from you soon.


Anonymous said…
Thanks, Subhashis. Your blog is really educative. Learnt a lot from browsing there.

ZEAL said…

Its indeed my fortune to learn so much from this blog. Your work is praiseworthy.


Subhashis Das. said…
Thank you Zeal, such inspirations certainly keep me going.
Anonymous said…
Sampa Dutta
As a child i ws awestruck 2 c the 2 huge rocks, one above d other at jagannath pahadi. no one cud explain me then .thanks 4 givng an explantn though nt v clearly.
Anonymous said…
Sampa Dutta
As a child i ws awestruck 2 c the 2 huge rocks, one above d other at jagannath pahadi. no one cud explain me then .thanks 4 givng an explantn though nt v clearly.
Anonymous said…
You seems to be an expert in this field, Great article and keep up the good work, my buddy recommended me your blog.
Anonymous said…
You seems to be an expert in this field, Great article and keep up the good work, my buddy recommended me your blog.
Anonymous said…
How true that megaliths must have been our country's real archaeological heritage. If it is true, our history must be rewritten.
Anonymous said…
Good site, thank you. I really love it.
Anonymous said…
Sri. Das,
congrats on this very nice compilation.
You website is also well laid out.
While this effort is commendable, pls do not stop with this.
Bring it out as a book and explain therein as to why they shld be maintained and should not be destroyed.

otherwise mindless people will destroy these megalith sites.

a book will come in handy for other to maintain them in their respective locations.

You may visit our website to know of the range of work we are doing and the books that we have published on the knowledge of India.

Once again congrats on your work.
hari dk
Anonymous said…
Just saw the website. Its quite good, and I'm happy that you were able
to actually take the blog to another level. It shall surely guarantee
a wider reach and hence, a wider viewership. I have subscribed to the
website, and hence I shall be notified of new posts regularly.

I wish and sincerely hope that Hazaribagh should see a better life,
under a new light, in coming years.

Best regards

Anonymous said…
Sri. Das,
congrats on this very nice compilation.
You website is also well laid out.
While this effort is commendable, pls do not stop with this.
Bring it out as a book and explain therein as to why they shld be maintained and should not be destroyed.

otherwise mindless people will destroy these megalith sites.

a book will come in handy for other to maintain them in their respective locations.

You may visit our website to know of the range of work we are doing and the books that we have published on the knowledge of India.

Once again congrats on your work.
Anonymous said…
Sri. Das,
congrats on this very nice compilation.
You website is also well laid out.
While this effort is commendable, pls do not stop with this.
Bring it out as a book and explain therein as to why they shld be maintained and should not be destroyed.

otherwise mindless people will destroy these megalith sites.

a book will come in handy for other to maintain them in their respective locations.

You may visit our website to know of the range of work we are doing and the books that we have published on the knowledge of India.

Once again congrats on your work.
Anonymous said…
Ye to Bahut achchha hai, Badhai Subhashis Das Ji.

Dr. D.P.Tewari)
Department of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology,
University of Lucknow
Mobile: 09415021908
Tel: (Office) 0522-2742899
jitendra.chatra said…
simaria block me katiya-murbe large megalith complex hai.
Web_And_Ladder said…
Dear Sir,

What wonderful work you are doing.
I would like to correspond with you regarding possibly using an image of the megalith complex in Napo in a self-published book.

I could not find a contact address on your website.
In hopes that you may be interested in this proposal please contact me through the following email:
With thanks and respect for your work,
Kelly Moss
Web_And_Ladder said…
Dear Sir,

What wonderful work you are doing.
I would like to correspond with you regarding possibly using an image of the megalith complex in Napo in a self-published book.

I could not find a contact address on your website.
In hopes that you may be interested in this proposal please contact me through the following email:
With thanks and respect for your work,
Kelly Moss
Abey said…
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