My forthcoming book

An oblong megalithic burial near Ranchi. Jharkhand.  Credit: Himanshu Shekhar.

My next book is a gazetteer/handbook on the Megaliths of Jharkhand meant for the common man and is slated to be released by the end of next year. Talks are also on with the publisher to publish a Hindi version of it and price it reasonably.

The book will provide information on the location  (co-ordinates, districts, accessibility et al) of all the megalithic sites.

Although it is not at all feasible to provide information of all the megalithic sites of this very very rich megalithic state but will surely cover megaliths of nearly all the districts so that the common man can also access these amazing tribal stone beauties and relics of ancient India.

My request to everyone if you are aware of any megalithic sites in the state please get in touch with me. I wish to feature these monuments in the book. Of course giving due credit to the discoverer.

The book is not only  featuring megaliths  discovered by me but even by others who have already send in their contributions.


Anonymous said…
Book a copy for me Sir.

Nirmal Marandi. Lohardagga
Anonymous said…
Sir,I am so happy to hear this. You are working so devotedly to highlight our culture. Which publisher ?
Jeevan oraon

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