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What are Landscape Giants?
Landscape Giants (Earth Giants) are giant
earth effigy's that are to be found formed in the landscape, created by the
landscape itself, and were considered to represent the sleeping form of
ancestors, gods or mythical beings by ancient peoples.
In this brief article, I shall reveal a well
kept and explosive secret that has been preserved through ancient sites,
traditions and religions through successions of generations of ancient peoples
all over the world, and especially within India . We shall re-discover that the older the
temple, the more in touch man and these landscape/earth giants were together. As
we know through history older temples have always been replaced by newer
temples, one religion being replaced by a newer one, religion, warfare and
land, remembering that the landscape itself was the original temple or Holy Land . The reader is introduced to a plethora of
mysteries, myths, inspirational theories, ‘so be prepared for an amazing
adventure into this World of the Landscape Giants’.
This is India , a land that tears your heart
and feeds your soul.
Since the dawn of time, the human race has
been involved with this language of landscape pictures, and as we shall soon
discover all things precious that become lost in antiquity have only become
lost until they are found again and that these landscape giants are really
there, and that they are formed by the landscape and are involved with legends
and ancient myths that we are all very familiar with. Landscape Giants (Earth
Giants) have always had a fascination with ancient prophets and religions
throughout history.
The earth is infused with spiritual energy.
When supernatural beings shaped the lands during the age of transformation, all
material things had the potential to live as humans and animals do. Because of
this legacy, aboriginal thinkers see the earth as a living spiritual realm
where supernatural beings still reside. Every territory has its special places,
High Mountains and prominent rock formations,
caves and crevices, waterfalls and springs are all spirit dwellings. Whether
the earthly spirits live, ever watchful, above the land or hidden away, to be
suddenly encountered on a path or waterway, they always remain powerful, even
dangerous, in their abodes.
Here are a some examples of these Landscape Giants that are found inIndia.
Here are a some examples of these Landscape Giants that are found in
The picture language is a very old
language, and it becomes clear to mind that pictures are one of the oldest
forms of languages known to man.
As Ancient man recognized this ancient
language of pictures in the landscape, they deliberately added to these landscape
giants over a long period of time by building megalithic structures, temples
and earthworks upon them.
According to Hindu Epics.
Once the Lord asked Sage Narada for a
suitable place on Earth where he could abide during the difficult period of
kaliyuga (The Iron Age, when people of Earth would forget Spiritual values)
Sage Narada suggested a place, south of Bharat (India), by the banks of River
Svarnamukhi. The Lord was pleased. Since the Lord was about to settle on Earth
for the period that Kalyuga was to last, a part of Heaven was to be brought
down. Hence Adhisesha decided to take the form of one of the 7 hills of
It is also interesting that many cites of the
world, have also been built upon seven hills.. but this is another story :
The Mountains and rocks that form the
skeletal structure of the earth are alive, as they have distinctive shapes and
substance, exhibit change and decay, and hold within them the memories of the
events of creation.
The Heroic events of creation and transformation
do not depend only on the recollection of ancient traditions. They live on in
the shape of the land itself: every towering rock or twist in a river records
the acts of India 's
culture heroes who changed the earth as they lived on it. In some places the
marks of creation are still fresh.
The story-teller's landscape also provides
an effective mental map of a tribal homeland, coloured and textured with the
places where supernatural events occurred
the ability to visualize environmental detail was crucial for people who
often had to travel great distances over vast, trackless environments during
the seasonal rounds) Since tribal people intertwine oral and tradition and
geography in this way, they still have a spiritual hold on their lost lands, a
bond that they can verify and renew as long as those lands exist.
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Fig. 6: Sleeping Buddha, Shahpur,
Mythology, ancient stories and fables have their
links with these landscape giants, I believe that ancient civilisations liked
to create Heaven on Earth and so replicated the patterns of the heavens within
their settlements...
These landscape giants also appear to be
mapped out by ancient geological features such as hills, forests, groves,
rivers, roads and especially with megalithic sites.
Sceptics may point out that some of the
features such as canals and, particularly, modern features, were built later
and conveniently fit the pattern, but, as I points out, ‘as ancient man
recognised this ancient language of pictures in the landscape, they
deliberately added to these giants over a long period of time by building
megalithic structures, roads, temples and earthworks within them’ and still continue
to do so to this very day with modern structures, knowingly and un-knowingly
adding the grand design...
This rich heritage of India can be seen
throughout the country, from majestic temples to megalithic sites, lavish
lakeside palaces to dramatic desert forts, frenetic lowland cities to isolated
Himalayan villages – a diversity matched only by the warm hospitality of the
India's people. Dazzling the senses with a profusion of colours, sights,
smells, tastes, and sounds, India
is a place so rich and complex you could spend a lifetime exploring and still
not see it all.
Long ago in Tibet, ancient scrolls and
texts were found describing beyul - earthly paradises hidden in the Himalayas
where the essence of Buddhist tantra is preserved for future generations, where
a person can gain access to unobstructed knowledge and complete the Buddhist
path to liberation which eventually leads to enlightenment and opens one’s
consciousness to the ‘multiple and single’ perception that commands all
existence. Buddhism‘s revered 8th century Guru Rinpoche, also known as
Padmasambhava, hid these scrolls in places which could only be found by a
visioned and privileged guru, who will have to undergo extreme conditions and
The most sought-after, revered and mysterious of all the hidden lands is the
beyul of Pemako, the “hidden land shaped in the form of a lotus”, which is the
physical form of Goddess Vajravarahi, known in Tibetan as Dorje Pagmo.
Unearthed scrolls describe it’s location as the region that covers South Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh in India . Here,
formidable misty valleys exist filled with dense rain forest vegetation,
along-with the highest gorge of the world which is three times higher than the USA ’s Grand Canyon . The Tsangpo River
(Brahmaputra in India ) is said to be the spine of
Dorje Pagmo and the surrounding remote mountains form other parts of her body,
the most beautiful of which are the peaks of Namcha Barwa and Gyala Pelri which
are her breasts.
And yet beholding these sights, we realize how far we have come, this is an
incredibly majestic and yet indescribable landscape head, which brings an
awe-inspiring sense of calm and spirituality. The Tibetans will call it
Chomolungma “short for Jomo Miyolangsangma" Mother Goddess of the Universe”.
And of course there are many other landscape
giants like this in India .
One site in particular is the famous Zulzul
Goddess, seen here with Subhashis Das, The recumbent pregnant Mother Goddess
taken on the winter solstice morning of 2011.
A place with great spiritual power may be
marked by something startling, unexpected, that seems to remove itself from the
surrounding landscape. Das's study reveals that megaliths unearth the primitive
people's deep understanding of science in relation to nature.
So here we have it, a brief outline of some
of India's landscape giants, but these landscape effigy's and their science are
not just limited to one area or location, their stories are to be found world
wide, 'what can be lost in one, can be re-discovered again in the other'...
Here is a brief look at a few other
landscape giants that are to be found littered around the world. Each landscape
giant has its own mythology, folk tales, traditions, archaeology, tribal heritage
and memory.
As I will reveal, I believe that ancient
peoples built temples and other earth structures upon these landscape giants, incorporating
their own designs to the anatomy of these landscape effigy's, so as to record
and pass down their wisdom and knowledge of the ages, so that we may re-discover
again, what it was, that we lost.
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Fig. 13: Sleeping Beauty, La Bella Durmiente,
Castrovirreyna en
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Fig. 16: The Face of
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Fig. 21: The Lady of Beauty, Ngadi Chuli,
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Fig. 22: The Giants Head, Yangshuo county,
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Fig. 25: The Face of
Mount Solimana,
The name of one of the most important apus. It towers 19,990 feet above sea
level, towering over the Cotahuasi
Valley . It is one of the
most important ritual and burial sites to the Inca. For the Inca, mountain gods
associated with high peaks were believed to govern the wild plants and animals,
crops and herds, waters, and people in the surrounding region. The sacred
mountain that is home of the ancestors. It is easy to understand why the Inca
and their descendants would conceive of such an impressive mountain as a deity
of great power.
In Inca mythology, Apu was the
name given to powerful mountain spirits. The Incas also used Apu to
refer to the sacred mountains themselves; each mountain had its own spirit,
with the spirit going by the name of its mountain domain.
The word "apu" has several
possible meanings, depending on context:
A god or supreme
being. The spirit of the sacred mountain; the most powerful of all nature
This is a brief account which comes from a
vast amount of work and research, my quest in writing this article is to briefly
highlight to the reader, the real reasons why the landscape has been, since
ancient times, associated with being sacred and holy land.
Landscape Giants have survived mainly
through ancient stories, legends and traditions, and have only really survived
because we can still see them in the landscape, remembering that some giants
are bigger than others.
Despite the generations of change over the
centuries, this secret knowledge of the landscape has remained fairly quiet and
secretive, yet the knowledge of these giants has remained intact, and is only
waiting to be rediscovered again.
As the picture language is a very old language,
it becomes clear to mind that pictures are one of the oldest forms of languages
known to man. We can all admit to recognising the same picture even though we
may speak different languages, yet no matter what names or sounds we may call
the picture, we both still see the same thing.
Therefore, even if the meaning does become
lost we can both rediscover the meaning again through pictures. Ancient
peoples, would also have communicated in this way, recording their knowledge by
going to great lengths to immortalise these giants in their landscape.
As Ancient man recognised this language of
pictures in their landscape, they deliberately added to these giants by
building temples, earthworks and roads within them. These landscape giants that
are formed by the landscape were considered to represent the sleeping form of
ancestors, gods and mythical beings.
Students of ancient religions all around
the world, sensed secrets in the landscape, and many others intuitively sought
the secret knowledge of antiquity, a secret landscape that has been documented
in ancient and old sources which literally-clearly confirms the former
existence of these giants whose key had long since been lost.
Landscape giants are startling things; so startling to our present state of knowledge and climate of thought that many dismiss them out of hand without examining the evidence. But this reception is not unusual for discoveries that are destined to expand.
Landscape giants are startling things; so startling to our present state of knowledge and climate of thought that many dismiss them out of hand without examining the evidence. But this reception is not unusual for discoveries that are destined to expand.
I end this brief article by wishing you all
a wonderful adventure into this World of the Landscape Giants.