Giriraj Kumar and Ram Krishna
– Technology – Replication
– Daraki-Chattan –
Abstract. The
Lower Palaeolithic cupules
in the small cave of Daraki-Chattan are of different shapes and sizes. How they were made is the subject of this investigation. The hardness of the
quartzite rock of the cave adds to the complexities in understanding the production process. The study of the more than 500
cupules on the vertical walls of the cave is a joint venture
of Indian and Australian scientists, the EIP Project.
The senior author commenced a programme of replicating the cupules, in an effort to
understand the circumstances of their creation,
on an experimental rock panel close to Daraki-Chattan in 2002. The project of replicating different kinds of cupules encountered in Daraki-Chattan has been continued since then and was joined
by the second author in 2004. This paper presents
the gist of the replication project from 2002 to 2012.
Daraki-Chattan is a small, narrow and deep cave inquartzite buttresses of Indragarh Hill near Bhanpura,district
Mandsaur in Madhya Pradesh,
India (Fig. 1). It was discovered by our friend Ramesh Kumar Pancholiin 1993 (Pancholi 1994). The cave is slightly
more than4.0 m wide at the dripline, and 1.4 m at its mouth. From here it continuously narrows down in width, to 34 cmat a depth of 7.4 m, it then becomes slightly wider, upto 40 cm, finally closing at the depth of 8.4 m from itsmouth. The cave is maximal 7.4 m in height. It bearsmore than five hundred
cupules on both of its verticalwalls. A cupule is a petroglyph of hemispherical shapeor its variation, created by percussion technique on a horizontal, inclined or vertical rock surface.The cave overlooks the valley
of the river Rewa which opens in front of it into nearly 3-km-wideagricultural fields. The area was a dense forest withrich fauna including
tigers even just 50 years back, inthe 1960s. The hills and their foothills on both sidesof the river were also a rich source
of quartzite formanufacturing of stone artefacts by hominins in theLower Palaeolithic, as indicated by extensive surface occurrences of artefact scatters as well as in stratified exposures.
We discovered early Acheulian factorysites with
finished artefacts, big flakes and
cores from nearby, especially from the foothill on the opposite hillon the right bank of the river and on the ChanchalamataHill near Daraki-Chattan. We also discovered Acheulianartefacts on the plateau of Indragarh Hill above thecave, as well as artefacts
representing the transitional phase from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic industries from inside the cave. No other artefacts
of later cultural hence one of us
postulated that the
cupules inside thecave may belong
to the Acheulian or the followingtransitional phase (Kumar 1995, 1996).Most of the first half portion of the southern
wall isdevoid of cupules on its surface (Fig. 2). It must havebeen exfoliated and fallen below and become stratified.This meant that the sloping sediments in front of thecave should contain pieces of cupule-bearing slabsand also some of the hammerstones used for theirproduction. Both were indeed amply found duringexcavations (Kumar et al. 2005; Bednarik et al. 2005).
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![]() Figure 1. Daraki-Chattan Cave in the quartzite buttresses of Indragarh Hill in Chambal basin, central India |
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Figure 2. Part of southern wall of Daraki-Chattan near entrance, bearing hundreds of cupules. |
The EIP Project
In order to study the early cupules in India and es-tablishing
their antiquity the EIP Project was established during the Third AURA Congress at Alice Springs in 2000. Its name is an acronym of Early Indian Petroglyphs:Scientific
Investigation and Dating by International
Commission. It is a joint venture by Indian and Australian scientists conducted in collaboration of RASI and
AURA under the aegis of
IFRAO, with Giriraj Kumar and Robert G. Bednarik as its Indian and Australian directors. It has been supported and supervised by the
Archaeological Survey of India. Support was also given by the Indian Council of Historical Research and the
Australia-India Council, Canberra.Under the EIP Project excavations were carried out
Daraki-Chattan for five seasons from 2002 to 2006,
under the supervision of the first author (Kumar et al.2005; Kumar 2006), and 325-cm-thick sediments were excavated. The preliminary results of the EIP Project
have been published in India, Australia
and her countries
from time to time (Kumar et al. 2002, 2005,
2012; Kumar 2008, 2010a, 2010b, 2010c; Bednarik et al.2005; Bednarik
2009a, 2012; Bednarik and Kumar 2012;
Krishna and Kumar 2012a, 2012b, 2012c). However, here to define the
typological-cultural deve-
lopment of lithics and correlation
of the
ex- foliated
cupules and hammerstones found in different layers with them.
Summary of the excavations
The Lower Palaeolithic
stone tool sequence in the Daraki-Chattan sediments
commences from the uppermost levels of the
floor deposit, which comprises only a very
layer of more recent strata. In places
industry intermediate to Middle and
Lower Palaeolithic (MP and LP) typology
was visible at the surface before excavation
commenced. These intermediate tool types
underlain by a substantial deposit defined as Acheulian,
but poor in typical
handaxes and cleavers. Six vague and fairly arbitrary layers were distinguished in the
sediment, becoming progressively more reddish in layer 5 (Bednarik et al. 2005: Fig 26). The lowest sediment deposit is characterised by its red colour, the upper part of which contains severely weathered Mode 1 cobble tools as well as hammerstones of the type used to produce the cupules
(Figs 3–5, 8a).
Arbitrary sediment layers 3 and 4
contain LP flake
artefacts, some made from river cobbles, but most made
of the local purplish quartzite. A few artefacts
consist of deeply patinated
cherts. Layer 5 contains still much
same industry, but increasing iron content has
effected a more reddish colour. Both stone tools and clasts show increasing effects of weathering and iron
induration with greater depth, which on large clasts
take the form of thick mineral crusts of primarily
ferromanganese composition.
The basal sediment layer features only very weathered
stone tools and clasts. Tool types from the lower
sediments include cobble tools, discoids, core choppers,flake scrapers
and polyhedrons similar to the so-called
Durkadian (for references for the following summary
Bednarik 2009b; Bednarik and Kumar 2012). A few specimens resemble what have been called core scrapers at Mahadeo-Piparia, another central Indian
site, whose repertoire has been called the Mahadevian.
characteristic pieces are large blocks with a zigzagging edge produced by chunky flakes having
removed alternatively from each side.Although LP and MP stone-tool
traditions are
widespread in India, represented in massive quantities and typologically accounted for, their absolute
chronology has remained largely unresolved so far This is due both to a paucity of excavated sites (most
known sites are surface scatters) and a pronounced
of well-dated
sites. The cobble or chopping tools
preceding the bifaces of the Indian Acheulian
have attracted comparatively little attention.
While the Lower Acheulian
remains largely undated, preliminary indications suggest a late Middle Pleistocene antiquity for the Final Acheulian. Thorium-uranium
dates from three calcareous conglomerates containing
Acheulian artefacts (Nevasa,
Bori) suggest ages in the order of 200 ka. The
most recent date for an Indian
Acheulian deposit is currently
the uranium-series
result of about 150 ka
from a conglomerate travertine
at Kaldevanahalli.
There remains wide disagreement about the antiquity of the
Early Acheulian and the Mode 1 industries. Some favour a date of 1.4 million years (Ma) from
Kukdi valley for the
earliest phase of the Acheulian; others reject it. The earliest
phase of human presence in
India, of Mode 1 assemblages, remains largely undated, but
at Pabbi Hills, dates ranging from 2.2 to 1.2
have been acquired
by palaeomagnetism. The few flaked quartzite cobbles from Riwat
(Pakistan) appear to be in the order of 2.5
Ma old, rather than 1.9 Ma as previously proposed.
The claims from Labli Uttarani, ranging
from 1.6 to 2.8 Ma,
are viewed
sceptically. However, the
earliest data from China imply
an occupation
by hominins
prior to 2 Ma, which presumes
human presence in India by
that time.
Reliably identified Mode
1 industries
excavated from secure stratigraphies in very few cases, and they were found below Mode 2 (Acheulian)
strata at the two early
cupule sites, Auditorium Cave at Bhimbetka
and Daraki-Chattan. These quartzite tools are
partially decomposed at both sites and they
were found in both cases below pisoliths and
heavy ferromanganese mineral accretions indicating a significant
climatic incursion. Details of the typological context of the
excavated tools from Daraki-Chattan have been
published by Bednarik and Kumar
(2012: 154–55, in CD pp. 895–906).
excavations at Daraki-Chattan have established
that the cave was a Lower
laeolithic occupation site (Figs 3 and 4).
During the excavations
exfoliated cupules and hammerstones used for the creation
of cupules (Fig. 5) were obtained
from arbitrary layer 3 down to arbitrary layer 4, 5 and from the interface of 6/5 (Bednarik et al. 2005: Fig.26). It
means the cupules on the
excavated slabs must have been much older than their stratigraphical
antiquity, and this applies also
to the
cupules on the cave
Thus, the EIP Project
has confirmed the evidence of
Lower Palaeolithic cupules for the first time
the world..It also established
that with more than five hundred
cupules on both vertical
walls,Daraki-Chattan is the richest known early Palaeolithic cupule site in the world (Fig. 2) (Kumar 1995, 1996, 2006; Kumar et al. 2005; Bednarik et al. 2005).
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Figure 3. Excavations at Daraki-Chattan: section facing south. |
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Figure 4. Daraki-Chattan: Oldowan type chopper on quartzite from the lower-most level of pseudo-layer 5. |
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Figure 5. A slab lying close to bedrock in pseudo-layer 5/6 bearing an oval/elliptical cupule (broken); inset close-up of the same. |
In addition
to housing some of the oldest known rock
Daraki-Chattan is also an important Palaeolithic site because
it is one of the very few Indian locations
where Mode 1 (pre-Acheulian) occupation evidence has been
excavated in a
stratified context. Overlain by a
typical Acheulian with handaxes, this deposit has yielded very simple, Oldowan-like stone artefacts made mostly of the
local quartzite. This
early cupule site is therefore
particular importance to exploring the LP industries
southern Asia
(Bednarik and Kumar
2012: 154–155, in CD pp. 895–906).
Questions raised by Daraki-Chattan
The high concentration of cupules in a small cave
as Daraki-Chattan requires
an explanation.The hardness of the quartzite rock of the cave adds more complexities to its understanding.Common questions being raised in reference to this site are:
1. How were these
cupules made on such a hard
quartzite rock?
2. Were
these cupules the creation of
a single period or were they made in different
periods, and when
were they made?
3. Do the cupules
in Daraki-Chattan show a diachronic development?
4. What was the
purpose of creating such a large
number of cupules on such a small and narrow cave?
5. What is the significance of the study of these
Until c. 2001
was impossible to answer
such questions scientifically.
study of the early pet-
roglyphs through the EIP Project has focused on being
to answer some of these questions.
Study of the cupules
We made a preliminary study of the cupules in Daraki-Chattan Cave while documenting them in
1994–95 (see Kumar 1996: Figs 5, 6). However, for
understanding the creation of cupules in Daraki-Chattan through replication it was necessary
to understand the
cupule forms more closely.
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Figure 7. Small circular cupules with conical depth on southern wall. |
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Figure 8. An oval cupule on northern wall. |
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Figure 9. Roughly triangular cupule No. 23 southern wall. |
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Figure 10. Roughly square shape cupule with angular depth, No. 174 on southern wall. |
We studied and and documented 496 cupules on both walls of Daraki-Chattan Cave in 1995. Out of these, 402 cupules are circular or almost circular, 85 are elongated (oval) and 9 are more angular in shape. Of the circular cupules we distinguished two categories in 1995: (1) saucer-shaped big circular cupules, and (2) bowl-shaped big circular cupules (Kumar 1995).However, later on we observed that circular cupules have one more category: circular cupules with conical section (Kumar and Prajapati 2010; Krishna and Kumar 2012a).
Almost all the cupules and the bedrock around
bear light-brown patina. Most of them also bear
mineral encrustation and also show different stages of weathering.
Later on a few more cupules have been
observed near the roof of the cave on the southern
wall, and two on the bedrock of the cave floor. Besides,
slabs bearing 28 cupules
were excavated during 2002–2006, out of which two cupules were in situ (Kumar et al.
The archaic cupules in Daraki-Chattan Cave have now been classified broadly into four categories with
their sub-categories as follows (Kumar and Prajapati
2010; Krishna and Kumar 2012a):
1. Big circular cupules with saucer-shaped floor or deeply rounded floor (Fig. 6):
1. Big circular cupules with saucer-shaped floor or deeply rounded floor (Fig. 6):
1a. Big circular cupules of more than 50 mm dia-
meter and smooth saucer-shaped floor, of more than 5 mm depth.
1b. Big and deep cupules of about 30 to 50 mm diameter and 7 to 12 mm depth, smooth and rounded
floor; sometimes the depth is more than 12 mm.
2. Cupules with conical section:
2a. Circular cupules of about 30 to 40 mm diameter
conical section of more than 5 mm depth (Fig.7).
2b. Oval or elongate cupules with oblique and
conical section, deepest point is always below the
cupule’s centre (Fig. 8).
3. Small cupules:
3a. Small circular and shallow cupules which
appear to be unfinished.
3b. Small circular cupules with deep smooth
floor.Examples on the northern wall (NR): NR 144; 24.65 × 27.0 × 11; 35 mm, deep conical cupule. NR 162.24.5 × 23. 8 × 8. 83 mm. On
southern wall: SR 195b.32.3 × 24.6 × 8.4 mm.
4. Small cupules with angular periphery and deep
angular section. They are rare:
Northern wall, on the lower side before Group 1a: 18.3 × 17.6 × 5.7 mm, with roughly triangular
periphery and angular section (it is a new cupule observed on northern wall of the cave on 27
December 2008, hence has no number).
(2) SR 23 (Fig. 9); 27.3 ×24.6 × 8.4 mm, with roughly triangular periphery and roughly triangular section.
It is the only case of its kind and is exceptionally difficult to produce.
(3) However, in the study of the cupules in DC in
January 2012 we observed a few more specimens with angular periphery. Near the distal end of
southern wall, cupule SR 174 is deep and with roughly square periphery (Fig. 10). It could be identified on close observation.
Close to and slightly
below it, cupule SR 200 is roughly triangular in shape
weathered base facing upwards and rounded
upper half. Cupule SR 193 is located slightly above,and close to it on its left side is a big version
of cupule SR 200 (Krishna
and Kumar 2012b).
Categories 1 and 2 form the major bulk of the cupules in Daraki-Chattan Cave. Category 3 forms only a small part, while cupules of category 4 are rare. Cupules of category 2 have been found from the excavations at Daraki-Chattan.
Categories 1 and 2 form the major bulk of the cupules in Daraki-Chattan Cave. Category 3 forms only a small part, while cupules of category 4 are rare. Cupules of category 2 have been found from the excavations at Daraki-Chattan.
Replication of cupules
In the global literature (Bednarik 1998: 23–35) on
art we do not have any reference
for replication work that could have helped us in understanding
techniques used, cognition and skill required and
complexities involved in producing the cupules on hard
quartzite rock. Hence,
in order to understand
creation of cupules and their significance in
Daraki-Chattan we have been
experimenting with the replication of cupules on
a selected vertical wall
in a rockshelter closely
associated with and located by the
right side (south) of Daraki-Chattan (Fig. 11).

Figure 11. Experimental rock in a rockshelter by the southern side of Daraki-Chattan (left), and some of the replica cupules on it (right).
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Figure 12. (a) A quartzite hammerstone with broad striking head obtained from pseudo-layer 6 in the excavations at Daraki-Chattan; |
We really need to show how hard it is to make the described
types of
cupules and
how much deliberate effort is required in their
production. Secondly, we also need
to understand
and justify the nature and types of hammerstones discovered in the excavations
Daraki-Chattan and correlate
them with the cupules in the cave (Fig. 12). Experiment
with replication of cupules was commenced
by GK
in 2002,
year of beginning
the excavation at Daraki-Chattan. Ram Krishna (Prajapati) joined the replication project in 2004. It is still continuing (Kumar
Prajapati 2010; Krishna and Kumar 2012a, 2012b, 2012c). So far we have replicated ten cupules.
Hammerstones used for practical
Pebbles and cobbles from a nearby
site, Patasighati, with purple-red
coloured core, are very hard and are most suitable
for use as hammerstones
for cupule
production and also to make
artefacts from. They are of
greater density than the bedrock of Daraki-Chattan. They were similarly used at
place by hominins in the Lower Palaeolithic. We also experimented with
on chert, chalcedony, and basalt and other igneous rocks, but
were not found suitable
because of their fragile nature.
Patasighati is located in between Indragarh Hill and Chanchalamata Hill.
contains highly cemented thick boulder conglomerate of river deposit in a palaeochannel. So far we could not find any stone artefact
or fossil remains
from this palaeochannel deposit. It must have been formed by a very powerful stream of very high kinetic
intensity, as the boulders up to 50 cm diameter
have become almost
round, some are flat and round, hence the local name Patasighati
(valley of boulders, cobbles and pebbles like sugar cakes).
Technique used
From the study and observation of the hardness
of the bedrock and
smoothness of the archaic cupules in Daraki-Chattan, GK believed
intuitively from the very beginning
that these could have been produced
by direct percussion
technique; hence he used the same technique for cupule
replication unless mentioned otherwise.
Summary of the replication project, study and observations to date
The details of our replication project on different shapes and size of
cupules (Figs 13–17) and the shape of different hammerstones after their
use (Fig.
18–21) have been reported
from time to time (Kumar
2010c; Kumar and Prajapati
2010; Krishna and Kumar 2012a, 2012b, 2012c). Hence,
instead of giving these details
we are
presenting here a summary and a comparative study
of the
replication process in Table
1. It
is followed
by our understanding of the creation of different cupule forms and overall
Category of replicated cupules
1a - Big and saucer- shaped cupules
2a - Small circular cupules
with conical depth
4 - Roughly triangular cupules
Id No &
big saucer- shaped cupule created by a young shepherd in 2002. Dimensions:
55.7 ×
55.0 × 9.0 mm
(Fig. 13).
RC-9, small cupule with conical
depth, created by an
engineering student in 2009. Dimensions 32.0 ×
31.5 × 9.0 mm
(Fig. 15).
Stage 1: RC-6, small cupule
with conical depth,
33.5 × 32.5 × 9.0 mm (Fig.
2: RC-6 was converted to RC-10, a roughly triangular
form cupule, 36.0 (breadth) × 35.0 (height) × 10.0 mm (depth). (Figs 16 and
of strokes and time duration
17 300 powerful strokes in 138 minutes in 2 days,
12–13 June 2002.
28 327 light strokes in 372 minutes in
2 days, 16–17 June
Stage 1: RC-6, 21 661 light strokes, in 172 minutes in 3
25–27 Dec. 2008. Out of
these, 3322 strokes were made by
indirect percussion in 22
Stage 2: 89 600 light strokes (direct percussion)
640 minutes in three days,
27–29 Jan. 2012 at an average
rate of 140 strokes per
nature and No. of hammer- stones (Hs) used
Hs on big cobbles of quartzite were
used. The Hs has to be lifted up to shoulder level (28 to
cm) to exert great power to it
while striking.
comparatively light strokes made
by 17 small Hs, by lifting them only up to a height of 5 to 6 cm.
Stage 1: comparatively light strokes made by 12 small Hs,
by lifting them only up to a height of 5 to 6 cm.
Stage 2: light strokes made by
three small and elongated Hs, by lifting them only up to a height of 5 to 6
cm. Most of the time two elongated Hs were
used. A third one was discarded after a short duration of
32 minutes only on 28
tration, commitment, skill, precision and patience required
is a product more of strength and commitment, and less of skill.
work with precision and concentration. It
a product of comparatively light
strokes made by small hammerstones.
roughly triangular shape of cupules became possible because of the further
experiments in the small circular cupules with conical depth. Producing such
cupules by direct percussion is a work of high precision and great patience
and commitment. It is the further advanced
of cupule creation after the creation of small circular cupules with conical
depth. Its creation requires proper planning and strategy and a lot of time
as compared to small circular cupules with conical depth.
Cognitive develop-
ment and intelligence estimated
is a product more of dedication and determination and less of skill.
is a product of advanced skill
precision with great concentration and patience. Creation of such cupules
reflects a tradition of long experience.
small conical cupule with conical depth produced by direct percussion forms
the base to produce a triangular form of cupule. If we shift the centre of the depth, the cupule form will change
to angular form. In the case of RC-
it was shifted downwards by 4–5 mm (Fig. 17). Further, it
needs innovative skill and reflects on the advanced stage of the cognitive
development of its author. Size of
an angular cupule is a function of time and also of finding or making a suitably long and thin
Table 1: Comparative study of the production process and observations on the replicated cupules, and comments on them.
observation on the skill, efficiency and cognitive state of their authors.
observation on the skill, efficiency and cognitive state of their authors.
Our replication experiments on hard quartzite rock by the side of DC from 2002 to 2012 have revealed some facts about the creation of different forms of
cupules in Daraki-Chattan Cave which are as follows:
It is incredibly
hard to replicate cupules on
hard quartzite rock. Besides,
it requires immense skill
Big circular
In Darakihattan,cupules of
category 1a, .e. big circular cupules of more than
mm diameter, more than 5 mm deep and saucer shaped, appear to be the work more of strength and
commitment and less of skill. They were produced by
using a very simple technology
of direct
percussion. They appear to represent
the earliest
stage of cupule production. Our cupule replication
experiment indicates that to produce cupules of category 1a needs two
to six
hammerstones on cobbles to produce such cupules, depending on the quality of the stone used and the strength of the person at work. It is a tough and
tedious task to produce a cupule on hard quartzite
rock, requiring motivation, commitment,
strength, endurance and patience for
its production.
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Figure 13. Big saucer-like replica cupule, RC-2 created in 2002. |
We successfully replicated such cupules
December 2008 and June 2009. They
appear to be the work of modified
technology of direct percussion with small
hammerstones of specific shape andsize.
It requires proper planning, immense skill
great precision and patience to produce such
cupules. The person at work on cupule production
cannot afford a
wrong stroke, even in a thousand,
as it increases
the diameter of the cupule. Thus, these
cupules are a work of modified technology and advanced skill and precision
and great concentration
patience. Their creation needs comparatively light strokes and use of multiple hammerstones. It
reflects a tradition of long experience.
4. Elongated cupules are the result of further experiments
small circular cupules with conical section.
5. Roughly triangular cupules. A small cupule with conical section produced by direct percussion forms
base to produce a roughly triangular
form of cupule. If the centre of the depth is shifted,
the cupule form will change
to a roughly
triangular form. It is the main finding of our study of the cupules in Daraki-Chattan, their close observation and discussion followed by replication work during January 2012. Further, it needs individual innovation
reflects on the advanced stage of the
cognitive development of its author. Its production
requires light strokes
applied over longer time, compared to small circular
cupules with conical section.
Study and understanding of the creation of roughly angular form of cupules may help to understand the invention and development of geometrical forms,especially the triangular and square forms in terms of antiquity in the Stone Age. It will also help in understanding the antiquity of the cognitive and cultural development of their authors.
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Figure 17. Figure showing the shifting of the centre point of the replicated cupule to 4.5 mm downwards on the vertical length of RC-10. |
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Figure 18. Hammerstone after its use in creation of big saucer-shaped cupule RC-2. |
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Figure 19 (left). Hammerstone after its use in creation of cupule RC-5. |
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Figure 20. (a) One of the hammerstones used for replication of RC-9; (b) close up of the striking head of the same. |
Study and understanding of the creation of roughly angular form of cupules may help to understand the invention and development of geometrical forms,especially the triangular and square forms in terms of antiquity in the Stone Age. It will also help in understanding the antiquity of the cognitive and cultural development of their authors.
7. Cupule creation is definitely not a leisure work or ludic. It is a very tough job and appears to be closely
associated with something special and deeply
8. Cupule replication is found to be an important
method for understanding the process and technique
of cupule creation, in the present case on hard
quartzite rock. It renders hypotheses testable; hence it is an important scientific exercise.
1. In addition
to housing some of the oldest known
rock art in the world, Daraki-Chattan is also an
important Palaeolithic occupation site because
it is one of the very few Indian locations where Mode
1 (pre-Acheulian) occupation evidence has been excavated in a stratified
context. Overlain by a typical Acheulian with handaxes, this deposit has
yielded very simple, Oldowan-like stone artefacts made mostly of the local quartzite. This very early
cupule site is therefore of particular importance to exploring
the Lower Palaeolithic industries of
southern Asia (Bednarik and Kumar 2012).
2. It is incredibly
hard to replicate cupules on hard
quartzite rock. Besides,
it requires immense skill and precision.
3. The replication of cupules helped us in understanding
their creation on hard quartzite rock is a very long,hard and labour-consuming task, involving literally
of thousands of strokes with hammerstones.
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Figure 21. Small elongated hammerstone Hs-2, used in stage 2 of the production of RC-10. |
The struck rock being very hard, the hammerstone
rebounds with equal force with each stroke, and
gives a powerful jerk in the shoulder of the worker,
especially in case of cupule replication of categories
and 2a. Hence, the person working on replication
of cupule creation must have sufficient physical strength, commitment, stamina and patience.
4. Big circular
cupules, small circular cupules with
conical depth and roughly triangular cupules
created by direct percussion method may reflect a steady advancement in technology, skill, precision,intelligence and cognitive development
in early human history of the Pleistocene. It appears a phenomenon more of the social and cultural
environment and also that of opportunities and encouragement provided by the social groups rather
than evolution of skill in different species
of the Homo. The same is the case even at present when
observe the development
of juveniles in rural
and urban environment in different parts of the world. We can also recall the Industrial Revolution
development of bicycles, motor bikes, cars,
aeroplanes etc., from their modest forms in the
beginning to the modern advanced forms of the
present. The underlying nature of the culture of
ancestors was not significantly different in a
qualitative sense from our own. Of course in the Stone Age the development was a slow process.Different
technologies, designs, devices and
equipment were developed according
to the need
the time to make the tasks comparatively easy
life more comfortable. Thus, cupule creation
of different forms by early humans appears to be
related to cultural evolution deeply embedded in
cognitive development
in hominins.
We sincerely extend our heartfelt thanks to the four
scholars for reviewing the paper as RAR referees
and for their
constructive suggestions, most of which have been taken care of in the final version of this paper.
Professor Giriraj Kumar
Faculty of Arts
Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005
Ram Krishna
Final MS received 12 November 2013.
R E f E R E NC E S
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Sarah Whittaker