Archaeotechnology, Music and Dance | Sharada Srinivasan

Sharada Srinivasan dances to the tune of music produced from millena old megaliths and other other rocks used as percussion instruments by Neolithic and Megalithic societies.


Anonymous said…
Amazing. It was indeed watching her dance to prehistoric rock music.
Dinesh Arora
Anonymous said…
What an experience. It was amazing to see her dance to the prehistoric music of the rocks.
Dinesh Arora.
Anonymous said…
Your performance has touched my heart madam
Anonymous said…
It was an awesome experience.For dance and music lovers would like to add this list Hope everybody will love it.
Rumichaka said…
This expanded our thoughts on the Montana Megaliths currently being discovered in Montana, USA. You can see her FaceBook posts under Julie Ryder. And better yet, her two websites: and She would welcome a visit from you, Sharada Srinivasan. Thank you so much for sharing this very inspiring talk, megalithic music, and dance.

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