Lat: 24 deg. 12'9" N Long 84 54' 46" E
The new megalithic site is found a few kilometers East of the District town of Chatra in Jharkhand, East India on the road to Hazaribagh.
This is a burial site of the erstwhile tribes of which exactly is difficult to vouch with certainty. This site though is badly ruined yet has about 13 menhirs most of them are inclined. They may have been planted inclined or may have become slanted by the passing time.
The site |
The author stands between a few menhirs
The site is similar to the other megalithic sites of Chatra as this site too consists of a tree which is a mahua (madhuca longifolia) tree. Like in other megalithic sites of Chatra here too few menhirs though placed side by side open up in North-South directions as below:
Few menhirs here like in other megalithic sites of Chatra though are placed close to one another open up towards the North-South directions. Credit:Ujjal Ghosh
Few menhirs like other megalithic sites of Chatra lean on one another as in the photograph below:
The two menhirs in the above like other menhirs in the megalithic sites of Chatra lean on one another.
Most of the menhirs in this ancient megalithic site have been broken and pieces of pottery lie scattered all around confirming the mode of entombment to be that of pot/pitcher burial. However the raised mound on which the megalithc site stands needs to be excavated to confirm the type of burial the site comprises. All around the site are stones and hills which could be the quarry from which the stones were quarried.
Vijay Singh shares the frame with the author and the megaliths
The raised mound where the burials are below the menhirs are clearly visible
The author stands amidst few tall menhirs
Vikram admires the old stones